Lake Birengero is in the northern part of Akagera National Park about 8 kilometres from Lake Ihema. It lies within an extensive grassland area of Akagera National Park in the Eastern Province of Rwanda about 2-3 hours’ drive from Kigali in a good and comfortable 4 wheel drive safari car. It stands at altitude of about 1442 meters and it features among the shallow and muddy water bodies in Rwanda. It consists of papyrus beds where several water bird species can be spotted.
Lake Birengero is one of the most significant for bird watching in Rwanda. The birds to look out around this area include pelicans, fish eagle, pygmy kingfishers, cinnamon breasted bunting, white helmet shrikes, little sparrow hawk, shoebill storks; black crowned night heron, hammer kop, spur wing goose, papyrus gonoleks. Other birds include white headed saw wing, little bee-eaters, white browed coucal, purple banded sunbird and as you head to extreme north, there is possibility for you to sight at bird species such as Tabora cisticola, sooty chat, little egrets, spur winged plovers, goliath heron, red faced barbets, crowned hornbill, black breasted snake eagles to mention but a few.Book Now

Crowned Hornbill Spotted in Akagera National Park
Drive towards a section outside Akagera National Park which also comes with astonishing sights including birds such as yellow breasted apalis, red headed weaver, white winged tit, black cuckoo shrike, grey headed bush shrike, green capped eremomela, scarlet chested sunbirds, Hildebrandt’s francolin, Klaas’ cuckoos as well as other wildlife species such as impalas, Defassa waterbucks, baboons, vervet monkeys, bush bucks, topis, dwarf mongoose and many more. With your camera and binoculars, a visit to Lake Birengero is worth it as it will reward you with lots of astonishing bird sights and also other wildlife species that will come your way.
Akagera National Park is also dominated by other stunning lakes each with diverse water birds and other aquatic life. They include Lake Ihema-a home to hippos, crocodiles, water birds (it is perfect place for boat cruise tours), Lake Shakani, Lake Gishanju, Lake Mihindi, Lake Rwanyakazinga, Lake Hago and others.
Getting to Lake Birengero
Birengero Lake is found in the Eastern Province of Rwanda, 2-3 hours’ drive from Kigali in a comfortable four wheel drive safari car. It is set in the northern part of Akagera National Park about 8kms from Lake Ihema. In summary, Lake Birengero is by far a significant spot any birder interested in water birds. You can’t just be selfish to visit Rwanda without visiting the most magnificent apes such as checking on the mountain gorillas in Volcano National Park -you can get on a 1 day gorilla trek in Rwanda and chimpanzee trekking in Nyungwe National Park and also game viewing in Akagera National Park.